World Prematurity Day 2021
World Prematurity Day on November 17 is one of the most important days in the year to acknowledge globally the journeys of preterm infants, their families and healthcare providers.
It is easy to see the importance of raising awareness of prematurity. Worldwide, more than 1 in 10 infants are born prematurely every year, resulting in an estimated 15 million preterm births per year. Prematurity affects both developed and developing countries, with higher rates observed in the latter.
A consequence of prematurity is impaired neurodevelopment, as preterm infants miss an important period of brain growth that would have occurred in utero. Healthcare professionals and parents both face different challenges from nutritional support to caring for long- term complications associated with preterm delivery. Our speakers this year will provide a holistic view of the cognitive and brain development challenges faced by preterm infants.
We have joined up with expert Dr. Nora Schneider, Child psychologist & Head of the Neurocognition group, to understand the crucial impact nutrition plays in preterm brain development. We are also delighted to have Mandy Daly from the Irish Neonatal Health Alliance. Mandy will share the parental perspective on short- and long-term behavioural outcomes of a preterm child.
Please join us in watching these fascinating discussions and help spread the word on the importance of World Prematurity Day.
Meet the Speakers